Thursday 22 October 2015

Akin To The Fly

If i were to ask you right now, off the top of your head, what is the one thing that bugs the hell out of you, that which annoys you the most, you will probably start a tedious narration about how you hate PEOPLE who lie, or those who cheat etc. The one thing i can confirm is that 90% of people, off the top of their heads, will be bothered by another person.

If you ask me however, what the most annoying thing is........., I'll always say its the fly. I'm relaxed, watching a movie in my bedroom on a hot summer day when a fly lands on my arm. In annoyance, i flick my arm and it flies off. Barely 20 microseconds later i hear it buzzing close to my left ear and this causes some tingling sensation on the small of my back. Naturally, i swat at it over my head and the buzzing slowly fades into the distance. Considering that i am wearing shorts, it comes as no surprise when i feel the bastard trekking through the Savannah that makes up the surface of my left leg, 5 inches north of my foot. I use my right leg, subconsciously, to scare it off, yet it simply lands on the right leg. This is when i get thoroughly annoyed, slide the curtains wide open and let my door stand ajar as i seek a T shirt i can use to swat all the flies out of my room. It is an arduous task as those things are pretty fast and they never do actually follow the direction in which you are shepherding them toward. Regardless, i strengthen my resolve and painstakingly succeed!! By this, i simply mean i can no longer see any black blurry UFOs flying around in my room nor perched on my ceiling. Once satisfied, i shut the door, close up the windows and prepare to brave the heat wave that is about to ensue.

This particular scenario is just a mere glimpse into my profound hatred of these creatures. A few years back, i literally learnt a few interesting facts about them, one in particular stands out. I was about to sleep one night when i noticed a couple of them on my ceiling, naturally hanging upside down. It occurred to me that if i let them perch there, they will fly around during the night buzzing nonchalantly and disturbing my slumber. So i picked up a book, and lifted it parallel to the ceiling slowly toward one of the flies. It remained in situ until it was too late and the book had literally all but mashed it up. Intrigued, i went on to another fly and successfully performed the same maneuver!! It is not surprising to note that i literally "zoinked" all the flies that were on my ceiling that night and slept like a baby. Who would have known the common housefly's spectacular peripheral vision cannot discern objects from below it when it is upside down. Take that Cambridge scholars!!!

It seems i'm getting carried away now with this talk of flies annoying me when it is really not the subject of my post. My post indeed is based on one unique aspect on the behavior of flies, but it is not the fallacy of their peripheral vision. Iv noticed that a fly pretends to be smart and clean. Upon landing, the common housefly will use its front legs to wipe its eyes, spiracles, wings, notum, abdomen, antlers etc. It parades itself as a very hygienic creature yet it is known to carry diseases such as typhoid, cholera and dysentery. Other diseases carried by house flies include salmonella, anthrax and tuberculosis. House flies have also been known to transmit the eggs of parasitic worms!! The way it presents itself is in fact a facade when it is quite literally a devastating carrier of life threatening diseases and/or pathogens.

I have noticed a rare species among the homo sapien genus. Technically it used to be rare but now it appears to be the trending species, ie, people who are much like the fly. Their exterior presents a calm, calculative yet humane and kind silhouette yet in truth, their true countenance is in the form of a snake that is ready to strike. These are the types of people that will smile at you, befriend you, yet at the first opportunity, orchestrate your demise. History had its fair share of such people, for example, Adolf Hitler, who signed a non aggression pact with Russia and fortified a false alliance by sharing territories yet the moment he felt he had a chance, attempted to annex Russia. What greatly disturbs me is the efficiency with which these people deceive you and give no hint whatsoever of their true nature. How can the world truly survive this evolution if every character in this depiction is solely bent on self interests. What happened to the admirable traits we continue to praise that adorned the likes of Martin Luther King, Nelson mandela, Ghandi etc? Selfless individuals who seem to care more about others than they do about themselves. I do not wish to have people persecuted so that others may eventually be comfortable, but at least i wish to see a world where individuals create opportunities for others yet gain nothing from them.

Bruno, 10 hours after adoption
Why is the world so rotten to such an extent that you can murder a person for a pittance of US$4 that they have in their pocket? Is that really the value of human life? I would willingly pay 50 times as much to save the life of my newly adopted dog, Bruno. How much more then for a human life.

I am deeply saddened by the evolution of the human species. What we are turning into as a people undermines the Biblical role of humanity on earth and will most definitely do more harm than good. Oh wells, ima just go back in my cocoon and hide from this malicious world.....

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