Saturday 7 February 2015

#Meninism Defined: The justification of GBV

I have never taken an active role against GBV but for all intents and purposes, I really do not condone it. In fact, I do not condone violence of any kind: man – woman, woman – child, child – dog etc. I believe the only things that deserve to be squashed are flies, roaches and mosquitos, pretty much because mosquito bites hurt like hell! Death to those tyrants! 

In my view beating anyone is wrong. There are ways of handling every issue that circumvent a beating. As a child and all through adolescence I can proudly state that I have been involved in 6 physical altercations at school. I never once extended my fist or open palm in retaliation. Basically I got beaten up 6 times and never fought back. It was so bad my parents felt I was a coward and urged me to fight back. Get it straight, I am no coward, deep inside me a storm brews up in anger and I feel all the adrenalin rushing to my hands but at the moment the eye of the storm is about to be unleashed, I envision the detrimental effect of it; broken nose, jaw and teeth. The thought of doing that to another human being holds me in check as said human has their way with my handsomely sculpted delicate facial features and ribs from which another part of me should emanate.

My sentiments are not altogether respected by every individual however. Some people find it necessary and even appealing to knock some sense brutally into their better halves. Of all the people I count as friends, a few do throw punches at their spouses and much to my chagrin, I’m beginning to sympathize with them. Before I explain why this is, I shall provide a scenario I once witnessed at one police station.

A 16 year old frail girl stands by the bench I’m sitting on. She’s in tears and the police are taking verbal jabs at her. Concerned, I pay attention to the conversation and I discover that 2 days before, the girl came in and filed a complaint against her husband. She claimed he hit her for not putting enough salt in their meal. I’m sitting there trying to imagine if I was dreaming this scenario or if it was really acting out before me. I think I may have actually pinched myself. First, she looked so young I harbored doubts she was 16. Second she claimed to be married!! I am 28 and I still haven’t had the pleasure of betrothal. Third, who gets beaten up for not putting enough salt! Silly reason to go to jail for in my opinion. If I’m to ever be incarcerated, it would be because I swindled the nation of $850 billion worth of refined unmarked and untraceable gold.

Anyhow, the girl was back apparently to retract her earlier claims. Initially I thought it was because the husband had threatened to hit her again but as it unfolded, I realized it was because she loved him and she feared her report would get him jailed for a couple of months. Simply, the thought of living those months without him brought her pleading in tears to the station, begging that charges be dropped and the docket be destroyed.

Now back to my physically abusive friends; none of these guys’ wives ever reported on them. Worst of all, when i visit their homes, the treatment they receive from their wives and the stuff they get away with really makes one speculate. Then comes Mr. Nice Guy, who treats his wife like the sun rises from her behind and yet his wife walks all over him, treats him like an unwanted rag and is most times rude to him. I mentioned to one of my friend once how my girlfriend takes me for granted and uses me and he blatantly states that I need to hit her. Apparently, women naturally need to be dominated and ruthlessly punished when they try to dominate. That was his philosophy. Suffice it to say, I listened but did not heed his advice. Today however, I’m wrecking my brain trying to figure out where I’m getting it wrong and these guys are getting it right, surely it cannot be the violence!

Scenario 1: Me
I’m a really sensitive, loving and emotionally endowed man. When all is well, the woman dating me feels like the most loved woman alive. I listen, I pay attention, I speak when she looks at me seeking a response and most often than not, the response I give is the one she seeks. I take care of my woman as best as I can and when lack arises, I usually step up efforts to cover it and I usually succeed. I respect her needs both culturally, spiritually, physically and emotionally and after they break up with me, they seek me out to acknowledge that of me. My one fault is I never get to marry them, but in my defence, the relationships don’t last long enough to get there. At best, 6 months is all I get except in special circumstances.

Scenario 2: Wife-beating friend
Having been friends all our lives, I’ve witnessed most of his relationships. He was always the stern, rude, uncaring boyfriend. His girlfriends would complain about him to me, beg me to talk to him, make him more like me. I did try that, but he was still nasty towards his women. He did have moments of passion and sweet talk particularly when he craved sexual favors but half the time he was just plain mean. Sad to say, all these females pined after him and boy did he cheat on them!! He eventually got married to one he claimed to love and now he hits her! I would assume that should make her wake up but no, he is her lord. She literally flushes after he is done using the little boys’ wee wee room and adores him to death!
Pardon my confusion but ladies I’m starting to see a trend here. At some point in my life (one I’m not so proud of), I was almost always drunk. From morning until bed time I would be inebriated daily. I had a position of authority at work and the students claimed I was a better teacher drunk than sober. Did I mention the average pass-rate of 94%? I had women falling over themselves to get at me but I was inwardly crying over a recent heartbreak so I wasn’t exactly nice to them. To date, I have never had so many ladies want me all at once as at that time. Heartbreak healed, I became the sentimental nice guy again and all my fans disappeared. In fact, the next girl I got serious with cheated on me!

It’s so sad to say that as it stands, if I’m to have the kind of marriage that I envision, I have to conform and treat women like trash.-Then again, if I treat them that way, It’s no longer the marriage I envision. My very own custom designed vicious circle

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